Xssive Wireless FM Receiver XSS-FM9

Wireless FM Receiver


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Features & Compatibility

Enhance your car’s audio capabilities with the Xssive Wireless FM Receiver (XSS-FM9). This versatile device allows you to stream music wirelessly from your smartphone or other Bluetooth-enabled devices directly to your car’s stereo system. With its compact and sleek design, the XSS-FM9 seamlessly integrates into your car’s dashboard, providing easy access to your favorite playlists and podcasts while on the road. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive controls make it simple to navigate through songs and adjust settings, ensuring a hassle-free listening experience. Say goodbye to tangled wires and hello to convenient wireless audio streaming with the Xssive XSS-FM9.

Product Specifications

Product Type FM Transmitter
Device Smartphone
Merk Xssive
Categorie Xssive Accessoires
Tags XSS-FM9
EAN Code 8719288921342
Artikelcode XSS-FM9
Verpakking Stuks

Additional information